Just this morning, my 2-year old daughter joined us for breakfast. Right after our meal, she did a remarkable and unexpected move. Just recently, she already know how to put her plate and utensils in the washing area after finishing her food. I never remembered we ever taught her. Or told her to do so. Perhaps, she was just observing us on how we practice doing it. But this morning was kinda unbelievable and for me as a mother, my heart was clapping with joy and a sense of achievement dawned on me. After I finished my food, I stood up to get something. She was not yet done with her food so I was expecting she will just sit there and wait for me to return in my seat to join her until she's finished. But, she went down on her chair, and said "Mama". I looked at her way and she went to my place, get my empty plate and put it in the washing lavatory. Maybe she was telling me, Mama you forgot your plate huh? I was stunned for a while and all I can say is, "Thank you anak. You are doing well". I don't know if she ever understood what I told her. But she smiled back at me anyway.
How about you? What is the best thing your little kid has done so far?
Monday, 30 September 2013
Friday, 27 September 2013
Shell's Sweet Delights
For car owners, you all know or for those who were not aware yet, that Shell's promo ended last month. For every P2,000.00 worth of gasoline or diesel pump up, single or accumulated receipts, one is entitled to a one (1) 1.5L of Coke. Now they are bringing yet another treat for its valued customers. This is again for every P2,000.00 worth of gasoline/ diesel pump up, single or accumulated receipts, one is entitled of this Dunkin' Donuts coupon.
I am thrilled about this knowing the sweet tooth that I am. Though it seem very deceiving when you calculate it for only 6 pieces of Munchkins for every P2,000.00 worth spent, but who cares. I love freebies especially when it's food!

This promo will run until November 2013. This coupon is available on Shell stations in Davao City. You may redeem your Munchkins though on selected Dunkin' Donuts branch here in the City.
I am thrilled about this knowing the sweet tooth that I am. Though it seem very deceiving when you calculate it for only 6 pieces of Munchkins for every P2,000.00 worth spent, but who cares. I love freebies especially when it's food!
This promo will run until November 2013. This coupon is available on Shell stations in Davao City. You may redeem your Munchkins though on selected Dunkin' Donuts branch here in the City.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
If Only I Could...
...Know how to drive, and have my own car. I don't have interest in driving at all unlike the many who wished they could. It looks good in women. Having this mindset that women driving their own 'thing' looks empowered, sophisticated, rich, controlling and confident. It could represent too their personality of being strong, independent and with authority. But I realized, and despite of the adjectives I said, driving is a skill, practical and necessary especially when there are emergencies. Being able to drive, I could just go wherever I want without hassling others time.
...Swim. This is one of the basic thing and probably the most important skill one should have in order to survive. I don't know how to. I was traumatized when I was young I drowned in a canal with water almost mid-leg deep. You might wonder why I drown in that shallow water, but I did.
...Bake and Cook. I love sweets, chocolates and desserts. Period.
...Have the skill in business. I want to earn and buy things not waiting for the payday. That's it.
...Protect my kids from harmful elements and sickness. It's really heartbreaking when you see your kids in pain. If only I could take that away from them and put it in mine. I want them to be happy, carefree and active always. It's heartwarming to see them smile, laugh, eat and sleep.
If only I could makes this world a better place to live in. I wish I could.
How about you? What's in your wishlist?
...Swim. This is one of the basic thing and probably the most important skill one should have in order to survive. I don't know how to. I was traumatized when I was young I drowned in a canal with water almost mid-leg deep. You might wonder why I drown in that shallow water, but I did.
...Bake and Cook. I love sweets, chocolates and desserts. Period.
...Have the skill in business. I want to earn and buy things not waiting for the payday. That's it.
...Protect my kids from harmful elements and sickness. It's really heartbreaking when you see your kids in pain. If only I could take that away from them and put it in mine. I want them to be happy, carefree and active always. It's heartwarming to see them smile, laugh, eat and sleep.
If only I could makes this world a better place to live in. I wish I could.
How about you? What's in your wishlist?
Monday, 23 September 2013
Mariella and Her Super Friends
Motherhood brings back the child in me. It brings me back to the days of cartoons and animated shows wherein me and my siblings used to enjoy. Until now it brings back good memories because of my kids. Meet Dora the Explorer and her friend, Boots the Monkey. This is my 2-year old daughter's favorite cartoon character bought and given by my mother. It's quite expensive for a 2 & 1/2-inch miniature though. It cost P50.00 pesos each. Over the weekend, she enjoyed getting photos of them using my mobile phone. "Mama, picture!" #DoratheExplorerfriends #childhoodmemories
Aside from Dora the Explorer, she loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse too. I remember before, me and my siblings including my cousins love Tom & Jerry. We love watching The Super Book because of the biblical story it portray.
Aside from Dora the Explorer, she loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse too. I remember before, me and my siblings including my cousins love Tom & Jerry. We love watching The Super Book because of the biblical story it portray.
How about you? What's your fondest memory and favorite cartoon flicks?
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Good Steal
I got this for only P140.00 pesos! It looks nice and comfortable on my feet. It is made of rubber and I won't worry slipping wearing it. Though it's not the original (Tory Burch logo), still I'm happy with my purchase. Tory Burch flip flops costs around $100 to $200, so I am settled with this. I be won't spending that much even if I can afford it. I'd rather spend it for my kids milk, diaper and needs. But gifts are always welcome. (tee hee)
Do you love it?
Friday, 20 September 2013
Struggle No More
Parents would agree with me that aside from kids getting sick that makes us worry a lot, it is also quite a struggle when it's time to take their medicines. And worst, most of the times, they will spit it out especially if the taste of the medicine is awful. Common scenes when its time for their medication would be a whole lot of crying and squealing episodes or they make you run and follow them, grab them and hold their hands as if they are kidnapped and force them to open their mouth. It's really a pity doing that to them. But I have to do that so she can take the medication and get well. So far I do not have problems when she takes her vitamins since she love the orange flavor of Ceelin.
Recently, she got sick. Her fever is erratic and usually around noon time and back around early morning for 4 days. Though her temperature didn't reach 38 degrees Celsius, I am still a bit worried. She start to cough so I gave her her medication for that. Again, I thought we'll be going to the same struggling episodes, but I was surprised she volunteered to take her medicine all by herself.
Recently, she got sick. Her fever is erratic and usually around noon time and back around early morning for 4 days. Though her temperature didn't reach 38 degrees Celsius, I am still a bit worried. She start to cough so I gave her her medication for that. Again, I thought we'll be going to the same struggling episodes, but I was surprised she volunteered to take her medicine all by herself.
So proud of her. She's a big girl na talaga!
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Supplier Hunt
Can anybody share and disclose where I can find makers of these here in Davao City?
Saw this one at Ms. Jackie Go's blog, Go Jackie Go, post for her son pogi Juro first birthday. I really love this concept of a photo balloon for my daughter's first birthday. Sadly, I couldn't find a supplier that makes a super big one. Bigger than that in the photo above. I'm planning to have this big balloon for the piñata (as a hot air balloon look), as welcoming streamer for the party place and for the cake.
Photo source here. |
Saw this one at Ms. Jackie Go's blog, Go Jackie Go, post for her son pogi Juro first birthday. I really love this concept of a photo balloon for my daughter's first birthday. Sadly, I couldn't find a supplier that makes a super big one. Bigger than that in the photo above. I'm planning to have this big balloon for the piñata (as a hot air balloon look), as welcoming streamer for the party place and for the cake.
This is a gift from my officemate who visited Boracay recently. This one is a good giveaway idea for the kids. It is refillable as what my officemate told me.
Anybody who knows where I could find them?
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Rainfall of Blessings
It's Tuesday today. And I got NOT one but two more blessings and opportunities to be thankful and grateful for. When I opened my email today, this notification make me rub and blink my eyes, stare for a few seconds to see if this is really is it:
Oh my! This is the second blog giveaway contest that I actually won. Thank you Ms. Jackie Go for sharing your blessings to us, your avid readers. It's her birthday giveaway by the way. Honestly, she's one of the lifestyle blogger I admire and support. She's a well-rounded person: a mom, a wife, beautiful, lovin' her height and the way she carries herself despite having tots around. She has the cutest husband too! (hehehe). Recently, I got engorged by the post she write on her son Juro's 1st birthday celebration. Since the youngest daughter of mine will turn 1 soon, I was inspired by the things she prepared for her pogi baby Juro. Her post gave me so much ideas for my 2-week preparation of my daughter's birthday. Anyway, you may visit her in her blog entitled, Go Jackie Go. Her blog got the new look too in time for her blog's second anniversary and her birthday. I'm lovin' it because of the green color. It's very cool and refreshing to the eyes.
For those who didn't get the blog anniversary giveaway prizes, she still has an ongoing giveaway. It's a lunch date with her. I wanna join that but I'm living far away from her. So I settled joining this contest which I am one of the lucky winner. Not bad at all.
The second and third blessing I got today is a blog assignment shared by my blogger officemate-mentor-friend. A great heart of her for being generous to me and knowing my desires.
Thank you guys for lighting up my drive and momentum today. I'll always be grateful to you for the happiness you've shared. #blessings #happiness
How about you? Have you shared your blessings to others? What impact did it made to you?
Oh my! This is the second blog giveaway contest that I actually won. Thank you Ms. Jackie Go for sharing your blessings to us, your avid readers. It's her birthday giveaway by the way. Honestly, she's one of the lifestyle blogger I admire and support. She's a well-rounded person: a mom, a wife, beautiful, lovin' her height and the way she carries herself despite having tots around. She has the cutest husband too! (hehehe). Recently, I got engorged by the post she write on her son Juro's 1st birthday celebration. Since the youngest daughter of mine will turn 1 soon, I was inspired by the things she prepared for her pogi baby Juro. Her post gave me so much ideas for my 2-week preparation of my daughter's birthday. Anyway, you may visit her in her blog entitled, Go Jackie Go. Her blog got the new look too in time for her blog's second anniversary and her birthday. I'm lovin' it because of the green color. It's very cool and refreshing to the eyes.
For those who didn't get the blog anniversary giveaway prizes, she still has an ongoing giveaway. It's a lunch date with her. I wanna join that but I'm living far away from her. So I settled joining this contest which I am one of the lucky winner. Not bad at all.
The second and third blessing I got today is a blog assignment shared by my blogger officemate-mentor-friend. A great heart of her for being generous to me and knowing my desires.
Thank you guys for lighting up my drive and momentum today. I'll always be grateful to you for the happiness you've shared. #blessings #happiness
How about you? Have you shared your blessings to others? What impact did it made to you?
Friday, 13 September 2013
Filipino Talent Got Standing Ovation
Remember when Charice Pempengco make waves since she was featured in Ellen DeGeneres show not so long ago? This week another Filipino duo got another invitation to be featured in the same show. They are teen guys namely James and Aldrin who hails from General Santos City, Philippines. Like Charice, they were discovered through YouTube which they uploaded and went viral. Luckily, they captured the heart of Ellen. Hearing this little guy's voice gave me goosebumps. He has an #angelicvoice and such a superb and pure talent. Link on the video below to see their television appearance last Thursday on The Ellen's Show. #lakasmakaproud #trulyFilipino #worldclass
This video I got from my FB page. It makes me proud to be a Filipino. And made me envious even more. I am a frustrated singer by heart. I really want to sing and entertain people. I love the feeling of singing while people watch and listen to me sing. I know the feeling of being one of the audience and how it's like to be captivated by music. I love the feeling of being envied in a positive way (*wink). I promised my self if I couldn't get the proper singing ability, I would make my kids one of these days a singing sensation that would make Filipinos proud as well as their mother proud too. #stagemother mode
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Rushing in Two Weeks: Nique's Birthday
My daughter's #1stbirthday is coming up in less than 3 weeks from now. I don't have anything realized yet. So I'm cramming with all nice but practical ideas for my daughter's big day. I don't want also to spend too much unnecessary stuff that will be useless after the event. My hubby and I had strictly imposed to stick on our budget for practical reasons. And I believe in that too. So I thought of #DIY-ing. My theme would be that of candies and lollipops. Something colorful, vibrant and cheerful yet the color not too bold with a touch of pastel hues. Good thing I came across Ms. Martine of Dainty Mom blog guest post of Mommy G of forty weeks and then some.
I am inspired by her theme she did for her daughter's first birthday. It's very personal, unique and fun. Almost everything in the preparations is her idea and made by her. See her post here and here for the invitations and her inspiration. Most of the birthdays or any similar occasions I attended is they use tarpaulin with the celebrant's photo and the event's details on it. I want to veer away from that for the meantime and make instead a personalized one. I still have the existing tarp from my baby's dedication and thought of using the back as the canvass for the wall design. Mommy G's wall design which her sister painstakingly made looks like this and this. Though the latter link is her creative idea and made for the dessert table, might as well make it too for the wall backdrop design. To further enhance the other walls, I'm thinking of putting buntings with my daughter's photos in it. It'll make sense right?Ceiling design would be something like this too. Thinking of party favors for kids should be useful so an idea like this is something so brilliant. A #desserttable is becoming popular nowadays and I love how she displayed it to this . Photography, I solely rely to friends and relatives who will be bringing camera by that time. I'm sure they will gladly share the captured photos to me and will ask for a copy from them. The cake will be sponsored so I'll be spared with that expense (hehehe...). Entertainment is to be taken cared of by hubby's friend (#Jollibee we'll see you real soon). He'll be responsible with the games and prizes. So the the major thing to consider for now is the venue and caterer which is very important. Though we already have in mind which caterer to contact. I hope we could finalize utmost next week for the real venue (cross-fingers! and wish us good luck too!). I hope to pull this off gracefully and successfully in my own little way. If pushed through as planned , it would be my first #DIY project for real. Happy Birthday anak! Papa, Mama and Ate Mariella loves you dearly.
Did I miss something out in my preparations? Please share a thought.
I am inspired by her theme she did for her daughter's first birthday. It's very personal, unique and fun. Almost everything in the preparations is her idea and made by her. See her post here and here for the invitations and her inspiration. Most of the birthdays or any similar occasions I attended is they use tarpaulin with the celebrant's photo and the event's details on it. I want to veer away from that for the meantime and make instead a personalized one. I still have the existing tarp from my baby's dedication and thought of using the back as the canvass for the wall design. Mommy G's wall design which her sister painstakingly made looks like this and this. Though the latter link is her creative idea and made for the dessert table, might as well make it too for the wall backdrop design. To further enhance the other walls, I'm thinking of putting buntings with my daughter's photos in it. It'll make sense right?Ceiling design would be something like this too. Thinking of party favors for kids should be useful so an idea like this is something so brilliant. A #desserttable is becoming popular nowadays and I love how she displayed it to this . Photography, I solely rely to friends and relatives who will be bringing camera by that time. I'm sure they will gladly share the captured photos to me and will ask for a copy from them. The cake will be sponsored so I'll be spared with that expense (hehehe...). Entertainment is to be taken cared of by hubby's friend (#Jollibee we'll see you real soon). He'll be responsible with the games and prizes. So the the major thing to consider for now is the venue and caterer which is very important. Though we already have in mind which caterer to contact. I hope we could finalize utmost next week for the real venue (cross-fingers! and wish us good luck too!). I hope to pull this off gracefully and successfully in my own little way. If pushed through as planned , it would be my first #DIY project for real. Happy Birthday anak! Papa, Mama and Ate Mariella loves you dearly.
Did I miss something out in my preparations? Please share a thought.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
My Precious Wallet
For us girls, we have wallets in our bags with or without cash in it. It's a vanity thing too. Some styles do have mirror inside it. Even if it's kept all the time inside our bags, we too choose great designs like how we choose clothes, bags and shoes to safe keep our money, cards and receipts. This one is a gift to me by my SIL. I love it's color and quality. It's elegant and compact. I can keep my cards inside, a small compartment for coins and receipts. It's small but it can a house a lot. There are certain things I wanna tell you my precious one.

Dear Gorgeous Wallet,
First of all, I am thankful that you have kept me company in richer and in poorer. Though a lot of times you've been in drought, hungry and thirsty, I'm still thankful that you keep and secured my life's blessings with no cost. Even if you are bloated and deformed with a lot of coins I put inside together with some unnecessary papers, I'm so sorry for taking you for granted. Please be good to me and please be generous too. Your color seems to be very lucky because of the redness you portray, but I think you are not 'that' lucky to have an owner like me. Nevertheless, I wish someday I can take care of you in abundance in return the way you took care of my small riches. We pray together that our Creator be able to satisfy our needs and wants in time. But, let's be thankful that despite some oddness, we are here surviving and living in this so called life. Let's stay gorgeous, pretty and fab!
Yours truly.
Your Equally Gorgeous Owner
Monday, 9 September 2013
A Weekend: Not Your Usual Day
My weekends is mostly is spent in home. Call me a bore but I choose to be like that for the following reasons: (1) to rest from a 5-day work week, (2) to spend quality time with my kids, (3) to find something in the house that needs to be cleaned, cleared, organized and improved, and (4) to avoid unnecessary spending being the woman that I am. (Backgrounder: I've already declared myself a domestic diva ever since high school days. Maybe I was used to being a stay-at-home-person being a super obedient child. My daily routine would be that of school and home. That's it. I'm also a late bloomer being not too exposed to the real world. It's not that we were not allowed to stroll around the city but I choose not to. I love staying at home. Being outside means setting a different environment for a change.)
Anyway, back to the real stuff. As I was saying, last weekend was mostly spent outside the abode. The activities I had were the unusual kind. First, I met a relative which I only knew then. It was a happy feeling and reunion knowing you can't have it in an ordinary day. She's related to the grieving family which happens to be the funeral rites of her MIL. It was a grieving moment yet a happy reunion of sorts. Second, we proceeded to the farm of hubby's family. It was a refreshing afternoon despite the heat we experienced during the burial. What I love being in the farm is the freshness and relaxing atmosphere you can hardly experience in a city life. The breeze of the air is so natural and cool. My FIL said, during the night it is like you have a free airconditioner that you won't have to worry of the electric bill. Every time I am there, fruits are abundantly sourced such as these:
Anyway, back to the real stuff. As I was saying, last weekend was mostly spent outside the abode. The activities I had were the unusual kind. First, I met a relative which I only knew then. It was a happy feeling and reunion knowing you can't have it in an ordinary day. She's related to the grieving family which happens to be the funeral rites of her MIL. It was a grieving moment yet a happy reunion of sorts. Second, we proceeded to the farm of hubby's family. It was a refreshing afternoon despite the heat we experienced during the burial. What I love being in the farm is the freshness and relaxing atmosphere you can hardly experience in a city life. The breeze of the air is so natural and cool. My FIL said, during the night it is like you have a free airconditioner that you won't have to worry of the electric bill. Every time I am there, fruits are abundantly sourced such as these:
Fruit bearing trees such as Banana and Cacao. |
Notice this shot? I wasn't able to capture the whole tree because of how big and tall the tree is. It's an old Durian tree that ages I don't know when. But it really is an old tree. |
This is the family's old hut. I'm shooting from the present house they are presently using. |
By Sunday, we went to my family's side. It is the 36th wedding anniversary of my parents and the birthday of Mama Mary (for the Catholics). It is indeed a fun-filled and blessed weekend celebrating life and not an ordinary day in a lifetime you can experience it in one great weekend. It is indeed blessings like these that we celebrate the bounty and beauty of life brings.
Saturday, 7 September 2013
Christmas in September
Hello, hello, hello! Every time September month comes, I always associate it to Christmas because of the 'ber' ending months. I love the feeling of the holidays because of the positive and happy vibe each one radiates. There's something about Christmas that gives me a feeling of delight and every thing merry and nice. Maybe because during my childhood days, both my parents make it a point that we experience the most wonderful time of the year. We were not deprived of gifts such as toys, food and clothes in this season as its the only time we can be spoiled by my parents of such material things apart from our birthdays and some special occasion in between. We were made to believe that Santa Claus give presents to children who do good for the day. That only children with good deeds are rewarded.
Then as years pass by, I appreciate more the essence of what the season brings. To me, it means thanksgiving and happiness of the others apart and more from mine. When you see children happy, it makes you more satisfied and happiness is filled with more meaning to it. Christmas is for children indeed. Before, I could only be happy when the season comes because I would have new stuff, lots of food and all merry-making. But now, it's more on being together with the loved ones and thankful for the year that it was. Now, I would want my kids to experience everything that we experience too. It was a fun childhood I have every time my family celebrate Christmas. It was incomparable and it is the most cherished memories I have of my childhood.
Now, it's payback time. My kids will experience their most wonderful time of the year. Peace, love and happiness. May we have this in this holiday season and to start the new year right.
Then as years pass by, I appreciate more the essence of what the season brings. To me, it means thanksgiving and happiness of the others apart and more from mine. When you see children happy, it makes you more satisfied and happiness is filled with more meaning to it. Christmas is for children indeed. Before, I could only be happy when the season comes because I would have new stuff, lots of food and all merry-making. But now, it's more on being together with the loved ones and thankful for the year that it was. Now, I would want my kids to experience everything that we experience too. It was a fun childhood I have every time my family celebrate Christmas. It was incomparable and it is the most cherished memories I have of my childhood.
Now, it's payback time. My kids will experience their most wonderful time of the year. Peace, love and happiness. May we have this in this holiday season and to start the new year right.
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Pinkyicy in Wattpad
Do you have any idea what it is? For those who are bookworm and is into ebook reading nowadays, they would know. Here's an avenue of budding writers and book lovers in one great online bookstore. It's at www.wattpad.com. In one of our family gatherings, my cousin who submitted her written teen romance fiction story, told us about this online site. Being the more older cousin that was around that time (looks like my generation is way too far already from them, tee hee), I was clueless about it. But the rest of my cousins were amazed by Pinkyicy's own version portrayed by our local celebrities as characters in her own story. It garnered quite a lot of views. As soon as I got into my computer, I searched for that site and onto my cousin's profile.
Here are her works:
Here are her works:
Wattpad is a community of writers and readers alike who loves to write and read as a hobby. This is a good venue for aspiring writers who would want to showcase their writing ability to the public. And for bookworms who can just visit a one stop book library. Accessing to Wattpad is very convenient and every kind of fiction stories you like, you may browse in there easily.
I am proud of my cousin. She's known to be a story teller in our group ever since in our childhood days. Everytime we gather around and eat, she's always the last to finish her share of food because she talks a lot and is our 'kikay' entertainer.
Here's the link to her stories:
There are various story genres you can find there. Who knows? You might be the next best-selling book author at all times.
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Pure Love
I melt and live with this...
There's no other person you could turn to but your family. It is disheartening to see and hear news of chaos, separation and misunderstanding between blood lines. Husband and wife putting their indifferences in court battling out custodies over their children and ending their marriage, siblings who are lashing out each other like they are complete strangers in an instant. Who would've thought it will be like this? I couldn't imagine a life without your solid ground. It's like a marriage vow. For better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, till death do us apart. Please take care of your family. Savor every moment you have with them. You won't have them forever. It's a blessing and it happens once in our lifetime. Separation is not an option while we are still alive. It is breaking God's will of togetherness. Priceless, divine and sacred! #blessing #love #family
Monday, 2 September 2013
The Value of Being a Woman
Being a female is quite expensive to maintain and worth the investment. It is by this that I have to say, our value appreciates and depreciates through time depending on what specific aspect. I would say that our value appreciates as we age (talking about number of years) due to our own experience that makes us wiser, stronger, tougher, patient, complete and survivor against all odds not men would be capable of. I'm not underestimating men as they have their own strengths, as well as weaknesses too like us. To fairly address this and not to sound too gender bias, I opt to address here as a woman. Our journey towards our womanhood makes us priceless and incomparable. We bear almost all the sacrifices to complete a family. And to bear a child is beyond imaginable. We hope to age gracefully and beautifully even with the slightest of depreciation through the years.
This subject fascinated me because as I ponder on things base on my everyday experience, it overwhelmed me. Being a woman, you have to take care of yourself in and out. Unlike boys whose fashion sense and regimen is not that obligated. Yes they can dress way too tame than us girls. Don't you agree? They don't need to put anything on their face and accessorize. As long as they are in their most comfortable get up and they look presentable, they're fine with it. Where as girls, beauty regimen and products that you have to maintain and buy in order to stop or slow down physical aging (girls are very particular with wrinkles). We update our wardrobe from time to time to keep up with fashion since we are visual creatures. We love it when we dress in new clothes. We feel new. We are freakin' shop-aholics. We can't help that. We adorn ourselves with make-up, jewelries (fancy and the REAL ones) that adds life as to how we perceive beauty aside from what's within. We are just born OC (obsessive compulsive). We love beautiful, neat and dainty things. We make spas, beauty salons, shops more richer because we spend in a regular basis for our OC-iness. We feel confident, empowered and beautiful when we take care of ourselves from the outside. Don't blame us girls. I guess men would agree that they adore beautiful women. We are their weakness. And they love it like that. When a woman becomes a mom, then our value appreciates even more. Being a mom is the alpha and omega for a woman. When I first saw my first born right after she was out crying to her hearts content, that was the happiest moment. I couldn't find enough words to contain my joy. I felt selfless, a sense of achievement and empowered. It is by this moment that life of both the mother and child is at stake. It's not a joke. That doesn't stop the moment our babies our born. As mothers, we have the responsibility to give our children the proper tender loving care that no man or fathers can give. There is a sense of warmth and tenderness that keep a human being in its peaceful form that only a woman and a mother can give. As working mothers, we make sure that even if we are away from them more than 8 hours a day, we see to it that they are given quality time, that our kids are properly taught and they are given the proper attention when taken cared by nannies. In our household, both my kids love to cuddle with me than with my hubby. They love to spend time with their 'papa' (Filipino word for father) when they love to play or stroll around. But when they want to sleep or just want to be hugged or want a peaceful solace, they run for 'mama' (Filipino word for mother). When they can't find me anywhere in the house, they always call for 'mama' even if I'm just meters away. They don't want me out of their sight. I think it's motherly instinct. I love the thought of it. Mother's care and love never tarnish.
Apart from the physical attributes that make us expensive creatures, it is the ability of women that we can multi-task in greater heights. We are a mother, a wife, an employee, a boss, a household helper, a nanny, a friend, a daughter, a sister rolled into one. I don't know how we do it. But we think we are superwoman. Inside, we can portray grace, calmness, peace, vulnerability, security, softness and patience. But when in times of despair, we can be tough and man enough to face the world. That's how our value define us. That we can portray calmness, peace and patience in times of chaos, love in times of rejection, warmth in times of coldness, toughness in times of violence, confidence in times of shame and disgrace and a solace where there's no other place to be safe and be at home to. A motherly love makes YOU.
This subject fascinated me because as I ponder on things base on my everyday experience, it overwhelmed me. Being a woman, you have to take care of yourself in and out. Unlike boys whose fashion sense and regimen is not that obligated. Yes they can dress way too tame than us girls. Don't you agree? They don't need to put anything on their face and accessorize. As long as they are in their most comfortable get up and they look presentable, they're fine with it. Where as girls, beauty regimen and products that you have to maintain and buy in order to stop or slow down physical aging (girls are very particular with wrinkles). We update our wardrobe from time to time to keep up with fashion since we are visual creatures. We love it when we dress in new clothes. We feel new. We are freakin' shop-aholics. We can't help that. We adorn ourselves with make-up, jewelries (fancy and the REAL ones) that adds life as to how we perceive beauty aside from what's within. We are just born OC (obsessive compulsive). We love beautiful, neat and dainty things. We make spas, beauty salons, shops more richer because we spend in a regular basis for our OC-iness. We feel confident, empowered and beautiful when we take care of ourselves from the outside. Don't blame us girls. I guess men would agree that they adore beautiful women. We are their weakness. And they love it like that. When a woman becomes a mom, then our value appreciates even more. Being a mom is the alpha and omega for a woman. When I first saw my first born right after she was out crying to her hearts content, that was the happiest moment. I couldn't find enough words to contain my joy. I felt selfless, a sense of achievement and empowered. It is by this moment that life of both the mother and child is at stake. It's not a joke. That doesn't stop the moment our babies our born. As mothers, we have the responsibility to give our children the proper tender loving care that no man or fathers can give. There is a sense of warmth and tenderness that keep a human being in its peaceful form that only a woman and a mother can give. As working mothers, we make sure that even if we are away from them more than 8 hours a day, we see to it that they are given quality time, that our kids are properly taught and they are given the proper attention when taken cared by nannies. In our household, both my kids love to cuddle with me than with my hubby. They love to spend time with their 'papa' (Filipino word for father) when they love to play or stroll around. But when they want to sleep or just want to be hugged or want a peaceful solace, they run for 'mama' (Filipino word for mother). When they can't find me anywhere in the house, they always call for 'mama' even if I'm just meters away. They don't want me out of their sight. I think it's motherly instinct. I love the thought of it. Mother's care and love never tarnish.
Apart from the physical attributes that make us expensive creatures, it is the ability of women that we can multi-task in greater heights. We are a mother, a wife, an employee, a boss, a household helper, a nanny, a friend, a daughter, a sister rolled into one. I don't know how we do it. But we think we are superwoman. Inside, we can portray grace, calmness, peace, vulnerability, security, softness and patience. But when in times of despair, we can be tough and man enough to face the world. That's how our value define us. That we can portray calmness, peace and patience in times of chaos, love in times of rejection, warmth in times of coldness, toughness in times of violence, confidence in times of shame and disgrace and a solace where there's no other place to be safe and be at home to. A motherly love makes YOU.
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