Friday, 25 May 2012

Caring for my sick daughter

As a parent, I experienced the most dreaded part of being a mother. When your child is sick, there's nothing more stressful than seeing your child helpless and weak. Since last week, my 1-year-old daughter had very high fever like she's having chills. Her body temperature would not go down to 38-degree Celsius. I am afraid that it might be Dengue fever since it's very rampant now due to the rainy days. My daughter even would play with us even if we know in her eyes how weak she is. When, we decided to admit our daughter in the hospital, I feel very weak too seeing my daughter in an IV. In our second day, laboratory results shows normal in her urinalysis and CBC platelet count. However, in her X-ray result, it showed that she acquired PCAP (Pulmonary Community-Acquired Pneumonia). I was totally  mad on the nanny since I constantly remind her to take care of my daughter and to look on her shirt for any sweat. My daughter is very sweaty. Even if we are in an airconditioned room, her head sweats easily especially if the weather outside is very hot. For 3 days in the hospital, I thought that it will be over since she will be bringing her medications at home. But after her last dose of medicine and scheduled for a follow-up check-up, we noticed again rashes in her face and gradually spreading in her arms, chest and legs. Oh my God! I'm afraid it's Dengue fever again since she has slight fever. Then the doctor diagnosed that it is a viral condition. Again, I feel pity of my daughter as everyday we forced her to drink her medicine in a dropper. It is stressing to see her cry and stopping us to let her take it. Oh, how I wish I could let you see it in photos but I decided not to post it here. I am praying that she will be fine the soonest since her last medication will be this Sunday. Hoping her rashes will be gone already.


  1. wishing for her speedy recovery. you're right, us mothers is near to going crazy when our kids is sick.

  2. Sad! Get well soon to you baby girl.

  3. I am not a mom yet but somehow I do understand how you feel, it's stressful when a family member got sick, more so if it's your child. Hope she gets well real soon Cheekee, will pray for her.

  4. I hope your daugther is better now..

  5. aw. :( i hope she'll be okay. my mom also told me that it's the hardest part of being a parent.

  6. hope your daughter is already ok. I'll include her in my prayers.

  7. I hope your daugther is better now!!!!


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